Thursday, 19 September 2019

Factors That Trigger Autism

Known as a disorder related to brain development, autism impacts the way a person perceives, communicates and socializes. Along with interaction
and communication issues, autism includes restricted or repetitive patterns of activities. The word ‘spectrum’ in autism spectrum disorder refers to the
wide range of symptoms and severity found in a person with autism.
What causes autism spectrum disorder?
Autism spectrum disorder arises in the early childhood stage. Children with the autism, at times, develop normally till 12 to 18 months after birth and
then go through a regression period anytime during 18 and 24 months of age. They begin exhibiting symptoms of autism which calls for an intensive
and early treatment. Although there is no complete cure for autism, a consultation with the doctors can help the person to gain essential skills.  
The queries asked by parent and caregiver are “what causes autism, its symptoms and treatment/therapies options?’ Due to the complexity of the
disorder, autism spectrum disorder does not arise because of a single known cause.
So, what causes autism spectrum disorder? Genetics and environmental factors play a role in the onset of the disorder.
Genetics: Several genes are involved in causing autism spectrum disorder. A genetic disorder like fragile X syndrome or Rett syndrome and genetic
changes increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children. Genetic mutations are either inherited or occur spontaneously.
Environmental factors:  Infection during pregnancy, premature birth, complications during pregnancy, excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs by
expectant mothers, and exposure to toxic or chemicals are some of the factors that trigger autism in children. Viral infection or air pollutants also play
a role in triggering autism spectrum disorder.
Each child with autism has a unique pattern of behavior, from low functioning to high functioning and varying according to severity. 
Signs of autism are visible in some children during early infancy. Symptoms such as lack of response (when called), reduced eye contact, and inability to
attain the motor milestone. They may develop normally during the first few months after birth, then by the age of 2 years, they become aggressive, withdrawn,
and lose some of the skills (language, recognition) which they acquired.  
As they grow, children with autism spectrum disorder experience difficulty learning, trouble communicating and adjusting to social situations. They also find
difficulty in buttoning their shirt, tying shoelaces, brushing teeth, using the bathroom when the need arises, etc.

In each child, severity can be determined on the level of impairments and their impact on his/her function.

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