Monday, 24 June 2019

Medical Management for a Child with Autism

There are things that parents can do to help their child with Autism overcome the challenges which they face. It is important to give them the love and support they need to be the best parent.They can always make a decision as to what is best for their child, regarding medical management of autism, once they have sufficient information about the benefits involved.
There are a variety of therapies and medical approaches for autism treatment. Some autism therapies and medicines focus on reducing problematic behaviours in the child. They help in building communication and social skills and deal with sensory integration problems, motor skills, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance, etc.
It is extremely important for the parents to do a quick research, talk to experts regarding autism treatment. The goal of autism treatment is to treat a child’s array of symptoms and needs. For schools, medical management service, and therapists in your area, access the Autism Connect Directory here.
Children with autism, prescribed medicines such as Vitamins and mineral supplements,have shown improvement in symptoms such as hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, gut- related issues, aggression, etc. Medical intervention done under a registered medical practitioner is strongly recommended.
Medical management of autism, such as drugs, is provided to improve the symptoms of autism. Some medications are not approved for children below 18 years of age, therefore, parents should consult the FDA for complete information or consult a child’s doctor.
Some of the required medicine, approved by the medical management service,given to deal with the symptoms of autism are:
Drugs falling under stimulant medication group, like methylphenidate, amphetamine, and dextro-amphetamine, help to increase focus and decrease hyperactivity in children with autism. They are mostly prescribed for those with mild symptoms of autism.
Anti-anxiety medications
Treatment with these medications relieve anxiety and panic disorders that are associated with ASD.
Anticonvulsants or Anti-epileptics
Medical management of autism such as anti-epileptics medications treat seizures and its related disorders, such as epilepsy.  Sodium valproate is a commonly prescribed anti-epileptic to control core symptoms such as hyperactivity, affective instability, aggression, etc. Almost one-third of individuals with autism have symptoms of seizures.
Psychoactive or anti-psychotic medications
These medications reduce irritability in children with autism. Anti-psychotic drugs like risperidone and Aripiprazole decrease hyperactivity, reduce stereotyped behaviors, aggression, self-injury, minimize withdrawal and mood swing among people with autism.
Mood stabilizers
Mood stabilizers are prescribed to treat behavioural symptoms like aggression, self-injurious behaviours and impulsivity in people with autism. they are categorized as:
·         Antidepressants:Antidepressantsare prescribed to treatsymptoms like anxiety,depression, and obsessive.
·         Mood stabilizers: Drugs like lithium,valproic acid, topiramate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine are consumed to treat disorders like anxiety and depression. 
·         Anti-epileptics are prescribed to control seizures. Sodium valproate is a commonly approved antiepileptic for autism.

To know more about medicines that can help a child with autism, click here.

Autism Connect is one of the leading family support organizations that offer useful information about medication, therapies and support to parents and caregivers.

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