Monday 30 December 2019

Autism and Music

Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects the verbal, social and cognitive developments within the first three years in a child after birth. These disabilities result in difficulty while communicating either verbally or non-verbally, lead to depression and uncontrolled outbursts of anger due to frustration.  Music therapy for autism helps the children to convey their thoughts and work in unison to overcome their communication and social deficit.  
Early intervention through art therapy such as dance therapy, drama therapy, and music therapy creates a supportive setting to help children bond with their parents, therapists and other participants in a healthy way. Music therapy helps children with autism to know how to communicate with others besides learning the use of instruments and the beats or rhythm to motivate one’s brains and body.
Can Music Make a Difference?
Music is said to stimulate both hemispheres of our brain. A therapist can use a tune or a melody and various instruments to support cognitive ability and self-awareness. Music therapy for nonverbal autism encourages communicative behavior which one of the most devastating symptoms that children with autism have difficulty with. To make music, the children are trained to work in unison and interact with one another. But for children with autism who find interacting with others difficult, the therapists first help them to bond with the chosen instrument and then develop a bonding with the group along with their instrument.
The Musical Support And What To Expect
Music therapy for nonverbal autism assists in teaching children how to communicate by learning a new word from a song, and also to understand how to act based on the emotion and the messages that it (song) convey. Listening to music in a group let the children feel confident to sing along with others. Dancing to the tune of the music can help to stimulate the sensory systems, and to enhance motor skills.
Music therapy is beneficial to not just children but also adults with autism. The music therapists involve valuable communication building exercise at the sessions. The therapists help to develop children’s skills in their own space with patience and understanding in a safe and jovial environment. A performance by the children receives applause and words of praise to motivate confidence.
Music sessions involve techniques for stimulating speech and sound, the skill to imitate and improved attention in children. The effectiveness of music therapy has revealed improvement in brain structure and its functions without the use of medications. 

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Excellent Apps For Children With Autism For Better Learning In A Joyful Way

Digital technologies, especially iPhone, and smartphones have impacted the autism community with mobile device-based software and apps. Autism related apps offer literature (reading, math, drawing, etc.) to help individuals in real-world settings.
Autism is marked by symptoms that include impaired communication and social skills, restrictive or repetitive behaviors and lack of interest. The available treatment options are based on addressing neurological or medical conditions. Various therapies like art therapy and occupational therapy, etc. are also implied towards bettering the condition with hopes to change the unusual progression of the illness. Following the recent trend, parents, therapists, teachers, and caregivers make use of tablet and smartphone apps for children with special needs. These autism-related apps impart social, communication, academic, play and motor skill essential for their daily living. Apps for parents help in acquiring information about ways to understand and support their child with autism.

How Can Apps Help Children With Autism?

When downloading apps, parents can either opt for paid or 
free apps for autism. Before downloading these apps, it is important to learn about the needs of the child on the autism spectrum. Instructors often approve of apps that provide visual cues to support transitions in communication, improve focus/concentration and reduce anxiety. Both the paid and free apps for autism, available on websites help children to identify and control emotions, express themselves, and manage time and routines.
The best autism apps on the Autism Connect list are used for myriads of children with autism as a supplement with other therapies and treatment protocol. Recommended by general practitioners, the apps are recommended for children (age of two years) as an early intervention application which includes puzzles designed to learn how to integrate multiple structures of an object. 

How Can Apps Help A Child To Learn?

Each child with autism has a different set of symptoms. Hence, an app preferred for one child may not necessarily help other children with autism. Choosing an appropriate app can help a child by:
  • Gaining learning abilities and interests
  • Getting his/her attention to learn new skills
  • Helping in exploring new ideas to create things 
  • Learning through trial and error
  • Practicing new skills constantly while matching and arranging shapes
  • Focusing without being distracted 

Tablet And Smartphone Apps For Autism

Tablet and smartphone 
apps for children with autism help parents to find information and teach play, academic, communication, social, motor, communication, and occupational skills. Still, choosing the right apps is essential!